Help The Truth

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Quran's view on religions before Islam

I have found some very interesting things about Judaism and Christianity in the Quran which I think is worthwhile for every Jew and Christian to know. In some respects, for example in the cases of Mary and Jesus Christ the information is simply amazing, although a little further on there are some differences to be noticed ( I have only just started the Quran and have only finished three chapters so far, so my information about other religions in the Quran is not comprehensive as I have heard that throughout the chapters and verses there are references made, but I promise to put up everything that I find regarding this aspect as soon as possible)

*He(God) has sent down the Book to you with Truth to confirm whatever existed before it. He sent down the Torah and the Gospel* in the past as guidance for mankind; He has (also) sent down the Standard.....
[The House of Imran: verses 3 and 4]

About the Torah
* We have sent down the Torah containing guidance and Light. The prophets who were committed to [live in] peace judge those who were Jews by means of it, and [so do] the rabbis and scholars, because of what they sought to observe from God's book. They have even acted as witnesses for it. [The Table: verse 44]

*We had Jesus, the son of Mary, follow in their footsteps in order to confirm what had come before him from the Torah and We gave him the Gospel which contains guidance and Light, to confirm what he already had in the Old Testament, and as guidance and a lesson for those who do their duty. * Let the people of the Gospel judge by what God has sent down in it; Those who do not judge by what God has sent down are perverse!

The story of Mary and Jesus
* God selected Adam and Noah, Abraham's House and Imran's House over [everyone in] the universe. * Some of their offspring are descended from others. God is Alert, Aware. **Thus a woman [from the House] of Imran said: My Lord I have freely consecrated whatever is in my womb to you. Accept it from me; You are Alert, Aware!
*When she gave birth, she said:" My Lord, I have given birth to a daughter."--(God was quite Aware of what she had given birth to, for a male is not like a female)--" I have named her Mary, and ask You to protect her and her offspring from Satan the Outcast."* Her Lord accepted her in a handsom manner and caused her to grow like a lovely plant, and told Zachariah to take care of her. Every time Zachariah entered the shrine to [see] her, he found she had already been supplied with food. He said: "Mary, how can this be meant for you?" She said: "It comes from God, for God provides for anyone He wishes without any reckoning."...........*So the angels said: " Mary, God has selected you and purified you. He has selected you over [all] the women in the universe.* Mary, devote yourself to your Lord; fall down on your knees and bow alongside those who so bow down."...... **Thus the angels said;" Mary, God announces word to you about someone whose name will be Christ Jesus. the son of Mary, [who is] well regarded in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those drawn near [to God]. * He will speak to people while still an infant and as an adult, and will be an honorable person." * She said: " My Lord, how can I have a child while no human being has ever touched me?" He said: "That is how God creates anything He wishes. Whenever He decides upon some matter, He merely tells it: 'Be!', and it is. * He will teach him the Book and wisdom, Plus the Torah and the Gospel* as a messenger to the children of Israel: ' I have brought you a sign from your Lord. I shall create something in the shape of a bird for you out of clay, and blow into it so it will become a [real] bird with God's permission. I shall cure those who are blind from birth and lepers, and revive the dead with God's permission. I shall announce to you what you may eat and what you should store up in your houses. That will serve as a sign for you if you are believers, ** confirming what I have already[learned] from the Torah. I shall permit you some things which have been forbidden you. I have brought you a sign from your Lord, so heed God and obey me!*God is both my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him. This is a Straight Road!'"
[The House of Imran verses 33-50]

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