Help The Truth

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The story of Moses in chapter entitled "TA-HA"

This chapter of eight sections was revealed after the previous one on "Mary 19".
It begins with the story of Moses (I-II), narrated in a conversational style, full of vivid word pictures.

In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful!
(I) * T. H.
* We have not sent the Quran down to you in order to upset you, * but only as a Reminder for someone who acts cautiously; * [it is] a revelation from the One Who created the earth and the highest heavens, ** the Mercy-giving [Who is] settled on the Throne. He owns whatever is in Heaven and whatever is on Earth, as well as whatever lies in between them, and what lies underneath the sod.
* No matter whether you speak out loud, He still knows your secrets and what is even more suppressed.* God, there is no deity except Him!His are the Finest Names!
Moses' Story

* Has Moses' story ever reached you? ** Once he saw a fire and told his family: "Wait here; I have glimpsed a fire. Maybe I can bring you a coal from it, or find some guidance at the fire."
Disbelievers' Victims
* As he came up to it, [a voice] called out: "Moses, * I am your Lord! Take off your sandals; you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa. * I have chosen you, so listen to whatever is revealed: * I am God [Alone]! There is no deity except Myself, so serve Me and keep up prayer to remember Me by. ** The Hour is coming! I am keeping it hidden so that each soul may be rewarded for whatever it accomplishes. * So do not let anyone who does not believe in it and follows his own passion, bar you from it so that you may perish!

* "What do you have in your right hand, Moses?" * He said: "It is my staff. I lean on it, and beat down fodder for my sheep and goats with it; and I have still other uses for it." * He said: "Toss it down, Moses."

** So he threw it down, and just imagine, it became a snake that crawled along! * He said: "Pick it up, and do not be afraid. We shall return it to its original shape. * And stick your hand under your armpit: it will come out white without [showing] any blemish, as another sign * so that We may show you some of Our greatest signs! * Go to Pharaoh; he has been so arrogant."
Moses' Prayer
(II) ** He said:

"My Lord, ease my breast for me! * Make my affair easier for me,* and loose a knot from my tongue* so they may understand whatever I say.* Grant me a helpmate from my own people,** Aaron, my brother.
* "Back me up by means of him * and let him share in my affair * so that we may glorify You frequently * and mention You often, ** since You have been Observant of us."

* He said: "You have been granted your request, Moses. * We endowed you another time * when We revealed whatever was revealed to your mother: * "Cast him into the chest, and toss it into the river. The current will throw him up on the shore where an enemy of Mine as well as an enemy of his will pick him up."
"I have lavished love of My own on you so that you might be made into My darling. ** So your sister was walking along, and said: "Shall I lead you to someone who will take care of him?' Thus We returned you to your mother to comfort her and so she would not feel so sad.
"You killed a soul and We saved you from grief. We tested you severely, and you stayed among the people of Midian for years. Then you came just as fate [decreed], Moses. * I have produced you for Myself. * Take My signs away, both you and your brother, and do not neglect to mention Me. * Go to Pharaoh; he has been so arrogant. * Speak a soft word to him so that he may be reminded or even feel afraid."

** They both said: "Our Lord, we fear lest he crack down on us or that he should act arrogant." * He said: "Do not fear; I am with you both. I both hear and see. * Go to him and say: "We are both messengers from your Lord.
Send the Children of Israel away with us and do not torment them. We have brought you a sign from your Lord, and may "Peace be upon whoever follows guidance." * As for us, it has been revealed to us that torment is due anyone who says it is a lie and turns away!'"
* He said; "Who is Lord for both of you, Moses?" ** He said: "Our Lord is the One Who has given everything its own constitution; then guided it." * He said: "So what was the attitude during earlier centuries?" * He said: "Knowledge concerning them rests in a Book with my Lord. My Lord neither misses anything, nor does He forget, * [since he is the One] Who has laid out the earth as a carpet for you and has traced highways on it for you, and sent down water from the sky, We have brought forth every sort of plant with it, of various types. * Eat and pasture your livestock [on it]; in that are signs for men of accomplishment.
* Yet We showed him all Our signs, and he said they were lies and rejected them! * He said: "Have you come to us to turn us out of our land through your magic, Moses? * We will bring magic to match it, so make an appointment between us and you in some convenient place which neither we nor you will break." * He said: "Your appointment will be on Decoration Day so that people may be summoned early in the morning."
** So Pharaoh turned away and put his plan together; then he came [back]. * Moses told them: "Watch out for yourselves! Dont invent any lie about God lest He blot you out through torment. Anyone who invents things will be disappointed." * They debated their case among themselves and kept the discussion secret. * They said: "These are both magicians who want to expel you from your land by means of their magic, and do away with your exemplary ways. * Get together for your scheme; then come all lined up. Whoever comes out on top today will prosper!"
The Tournament of Magic
** They said: "Moses, either you will cast [something] or shall we be the first to cast [a spell]?" He said: "Rather you throw [first]."
You should have seen their ropes and rods! It appeared to him as if they were moving around because of their magic, * so Moses conceived a fear within himself. * We said: "Do not act afraid: you will come out on top! * Throw down what is in your right hand so it will swallow up anything they have produced. What they have produced is only some magician's trick, and no magician succeeds no matter where he goes."
** So the magicians threw themselves down on their knees. They said: "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses." *
He said: "Have you believed in Him before I permit you to? He must be your chief who has taught you magic! I'll cut your hands and feet off on opposite sides, and have you crucified on the trunks of datepalms, so you may know which of us is harsher with torment and going to last longer."
* They said: "We will never choose you before explanations have come to us nor ahead of the One Who originated us. Decide anything you may decide; you are no judge: You will only decide during this worldly life. * We believe in our Lord, so He may forgive us our mistakes as well as for any magic you have compelled us to perform. God is Better and more Enduring."

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