Greetings to all!
As you can see I've been reading the Quran now for some time. I haven't been making very much progress so far because I feel that I need to ponder upon every word and also because at the same time I'm trying to gain acess to the Talmude and study that as well... but unfortunately right now I'm facing many problems. One of the most important ones being the fact that I have now through some research realized that the Talmud is not just one book but in fact something like an encyclopedia, also I have come to realize that there are two versions of the talmude, the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmude, from what I've gathered the Babylonian Talmude is of higher authority and in cases of doubt is the decisive one. Now for me there is a big question mark as to how to determine which one to study and even if I decide to for example start with the Babylonian one how shall I be able to get access to the complete version. I have more or less found out that there is NO complete version of the Talmude online, while I have found numerous versions of the Quran on the internet. I would therefore ask anyone who can help in terms of information on access to the complete version of the Talmud ( Babylonian or Jerusalem) preferrably an online version.
In terms of Christianity also I have been facing numerous difficulties. I know that the Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, but again a quick search through the internet has just increased my bafflement as there are so many different denominations that I just don't know with which to start if the need arises so.
One great advantage that I've found with the Quran is the elimination of this baffling circumstance due to there being only ONE version of the Quran to which ALL Muslems adhere, regardless of which denomination they belong to.
I have therefore decided to continue reading the Quran but at the same time need the help of those who are knowledged in Judaism and Christianity so as to have an objective outlook presented in my blog.
May the Lord Guide all with His Light.
I'll be eagerly waiting any response.
wish you all a healthy weekend.
Wow! You have tackled quite an undertaking here -- and with children at home! I admire your deligent search for the truth, and I am praying God will honor your search. You asked me to provide some insight, so I thought I would answer some of your questions regarding Christianity. I'll try to keep this short! Of course, keep in mind I'm coming from a Christian perspective and I believe firmly in God as the only God, and Jesus Christ as the only means to Him, so that will (rightfully so) influence all I tell you.
First, while there are many denominations of Christianity, all agree on some basic tenants. They are: we are all created by God, in His image; we are all sinners, meaning we have traded the truth about God for a lie and lived accordingly; God's justice demands we pay the penalty for our sins - death; God's mercy provided a solution for this payment - He sent His son, to die on a cross, to pay the penalty for our sins; when we believe in God and put our trust in Him, we receive His free gift of mercy and His on-going gift of grace, and we will join Him in heaven for all eternity; the Bible is the Word of God, communicated by God through men, to provide us with both an understanding of who God is and an understanding of the standard He holds us to; it is only by the Holy Spirit that we are empowered to live the life required of us in the Bible. Even in these few statements, there are areas of disagreement - but I would say most people who call themselves a Christian would agree with these statements. Denominations, then, are really a reflection of God's creativity! Just as we each are individuals, each denomination is kind of like a corporate individual. So don't get stuck on which denomination is "right" - that's not as critical of a question as the real questions you're asking - which God is right?
The next question you had was regarding the Bible. As you noted, there are many different translations available. The difference between translations, at the most basic level, lies in the translation approach taken, whether the translators were trying to render a literal translation or a "thought-for-thought" translation. My recommendation - pick the one that makes the most sense to you (unless you want to learn Greek and Hebrews and read it in the original language!). All of them contain the same information, it's just presented differently.
Finally, I want to recommend one site that I think does an incredible job of offering reviews and insights on studying the Bible - it's called Best Bible ( Truth-in-advertising statement here - a friend put it together! But I would recommend it even if the moderator weren't a friend.
I'll stop for now, to save you space! But please let me know if there are any other questions I can answer. I'll keep an eye on your blog and chime in when I have something worth sharing.
I really appreciate your helpful response. thanx also for the site, I'll visit it in my first free time from housework...... :-). You gave a good summary of who a Christian is, I hope you'll continue visiting my blog and add more crucial information about all aspects of Christianity.
While I'm thankful to your enlightening response I must admit that there are some points I find difficult to agree on. One such point is what you said about the different denominations and their being a symbol of God's creativity.
You said that you believe in Only One God(As far as I have found out this is exactly what the Jews and Moslems also believe in).
Don't you think that it can only be reasonable that this One and Only God should present the ones whom he has equally created with only one way that leads to salvation? If you really think about it you'll realize that being unified in outlook is in fact a very important advantage that I dont think someone as wise and all-knowing as God would sacrifice in order to show his creativity.
I agree that we are all individuals and may have our individual needs when it comes to fulfilling our religious needs, but i would think that to a great power such as God we would all be the same. I would think that it were perhaps the degree of each person's piety and his/her dedication to God which would make one individual different from another, not choosing a particular denomination. I'm sure you also agree that there are instances when denomination differences lead to trouble and havoc just as we have seen in all major religions and the conflicts among their different denominations in world history.
I therefore think that a limitless all powerfull, like God would move all his people towards ONE Unified Truth and NOT various half-truths which would I think in the end not be able to grasp the REAL TRUTH.
Wow I thought I'd be brief and look what has happend!!
I once again thank you for your comment and greatly hope that you'll continue your thoughtful dialogue here with me and hopefully other visitors.
Have a nice time with your family and your two lovely children.
I'll keep this brief because now is the time I usually spend in the Bible . . . but I wanted to write back that you are absolutely, 100% correct. It would make no sense for an absolutely perfect God to have several different ways to reach Him. As the Bible says (in John 14:6) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (this is Jesus Christ, the son of God, speaking). I think your confusion lies in what denominations are. In the Christian religion, denominations aren't different "sects" that have different opinions on how to reach God - they differ on uncritical aspects, such as worship style (whether the music should be acapella, with organs, or with guitars and drums), whether a person should be "dunked" or "sprinkled" when baptized . . . I wouldn't worry about the differences in denomination at this point in your search. There are more critical differences regarding theology between the different denominations, but they won't make much sense until you understand who God is and why He is, as I believe, the only true God. One thing that denominations should not disagree on is who God is (which is one reason why I would disagree with the thought that Mormons are a "denomination" of Christianity - they believe, among other differences, that there is another book in addition to the Bible and this thought doesn't line up with what the Bible says about itself). Really, the easiest way to tell what all Christians should agree on is to read the Bible, in its entirety, with prayer. There are certainly different interpretations on what it all means, but I believe that if you read the Bible prayerfully and honestly God will reveal Himself to you. The Bible can only be understood with prayer, and in context (removing verses to make points can get very dangerous).
I hope that clarifies the denomination question. Summary answer -- don't get bogged down in what the differences are between denominations. They are a man-made creation. Look at what the Bible, the word of God, says about who God is. That's where your answers lie, not in the documents put out by man-made institutions.
You are absolutely right. I think I need to clarify a few points here as to avoid furthur misconceptions :-)
It has never been my intention to discover which denomination is the absolute truth.
In All religions there are unfortunately many many denominations which only makes it more difficult for the seeker.
I agree that talking about denomination differences is only a WASTE of time and shall result in no good.
I just have a short question:
If I want to study Christianity is it OK for me to start by reading the first Bible that comes my way? Is it ok for example to search the internet and start reading any Bible (you know that there are many different versions)that I find online? Wouldn't I later on for example encounter differences in outlook which would force me to study other versions as well?
Up to now I have realized that the Bible is a lot easier than the Talmude in reading. That is because even in one version of the Talmude there are numerous versions of verdicts by different Rabbis on the same subject which I find very confusing and as I have found out even the most religious Jews cannot agree on many of them.
So Dana,( I don't know which denomination you belong to) would you recommend me to read the Bible, just any version I may like or do you think that one should be careful in choosing? If the latter, how should one find out which version is more near to truth and authentic?
I didn't have this problem with the Quran, because as I have mentioned before there is only and only ONE version and I find it a blessing (the Quran itself considers this fact a miracle of the Lord shown to mankind in terms of showing the authenticity of the book)
I would be eagerly waiting your helpful answers.
thanx again
Something further to add to our discussion on denominations -- I asked a friend in seminary how he would explain the difference between denominations, and here's what he had to say. Hope it helps, and hope your quest continues to go well! Oh, and here's his blog (, if you're interested.
"Denominations occur mostly out of human preference. As humans, we tend to decide the things we want to emphasize and we gather like minded people around us. So, Presbyterians like to talk about God's sovereignty and think that it is important, so people who also think that tend to be drawn to that denomination. Baptists think that evangelism is really important, so people who think that tend to be drawn to that denomination. Charismatics think spiritual gifts are really important, so people who think that tend to be drawn to those denominations.
Now, the catch is that though these denominations tend to have areas of emphasis, they all agree on the main thing, that Jesus is the most important.
An analogy, though probably a weak one (as most analogies are) is Restaurants. All restaurants are about food. However, some restaurants tend to emphasize different aspects of food. Some emphasize it ability to be prepared quickly, some emphasize its ability to be presented in a beautiful manner, and some emphasize how amazing it can taste. While all these restaurants focus on a true aspect of food, they all agree that restaurants are about food. Also, in most restaurants you'll find mostly the same thing: meat, seasonings, starch, veggies, a kitchen, pots, pans... They may be set up slightly different, they might uses things in a slightly different manner... but at the end of the day, it is a restaurant and it serves food.
In the same way, denominations are about Jesus. In all of them you will find the gospel of faith in christ, you will find communion and baptism, you will find the 66 books of the bible, you will find worship and prayer of the triune God, you will find a virgin birth, you will find death on a cross. Now, these might be arranged a little differently or presented a little differently, but it is all there."
Hope that helps!
I really appreciate your designating some part of your time to answer my questions. May the Almighty Lord give you your due reward and blessing.
Thanx for the explanation on denominations, but you still didn't answer my question concerning different versions of the Bible and whether its fine to read ANY version I come across. Its really important for me to know the differences about the different versions and the extent of difference. Also some info concerning the reasons for lack of unity among the available Bibles would be of great help.
You see I just cant come to terms with the fact that if God is ONE unique entity being worshipped by for eg all Christians, why should He NOT send ONE unique book for the worshippers? I understand your explanations concerning the differenr denominations but really can't come to terms with the DIFFERENT versions of the Bible, it just doesn't make sense.
Of course as I have mentioned before, this problem is non-existant regarding the Quran which has made my job or anyone else's quite easy and the Quran itself considers this ( its uniqueness amongst All Moslems regardless of any denomination) something miraculous and a reflection of the Qurans lack of manipulation by mankind and a true revelation without change sent from God.
Of course if you take a quick look at my blog you'll see that up to now I have found verses from the Quran which shows that the Moslems through the Quran are faithful to the holy religions before Islam, namely Judaism , Christianity and they also believe in all the prophets that the Jews and Christians believe in.
Islam just claims that it has come as a COMPLETING agent and the Final revelation from the Lord in order to finish off and complete whatever was revealed before it and also to remove any manipulations which have entered the Holy Books of the previous pious People of the Holy Books.
I am therefore asking you and ANY other good Christian to help me find out the version of the Bible upon which MOST denominations agree upon and also to have reasons to support this choice, ones that would satisfy any one who might ask me why I have chosen that particular version for example.
Also information regarding the differences amongst the available Bibles and the REASONS for these differences would be much helpful and appreciated.
I'm sorry for all the troubles I'm making, but you probably understand how important it would be to me or anybody else who has started this major research for the Truth.
May the Almighty help us all in our journey for TRUTH.
Thank you again
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