Help The Truth

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Contradiction no 1-Jesus Christ

Having gone through the holy texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam for some time now, I have come to notice an amazing number of similarities in all 3 religions which when looked upon from a higher perspective makes one wonder whether the real Author of all three is not ONE!!

For example even though at first look it seems that it is Islam and Judaism which have the greatest number of similarities, yet when you look deeper and with more scrutiny you realize that there are in fact also many many astonishing similarities between Islam and Christianity!! ( I can give you the exact points if you are interested, it is very lengthy to mention in one email)

It starts getting difficult though when you come to the differences.
As an example I have come to realize that despite the many similarities in belief and religious law between Islam and Judaism, they have a shocking difference when it comes to one point and that is: JESUS CHRIST.

I have come to realize that while JUDAISM CONDEMNS Jesus as an imposter of the CHRIST or the savior to come, and considers him a sorcerer who actually MISLEAD many of the Israeli nation with his magic! (which Christians call Godly Miracles), ISLAM PRAISES Jesus Christ as a very dear prophet sent from the Lord to save the Children of Israel from corruption!! Many verses in the Quran talk in great reverence of Jesus Christ and praise her mother Mary as a CHASTE Godley maiden who was bestowed with the honor of being the mother of one of the Lord's holy prophets. There is even one WHOLE chapter in the Quran dedicated to "MARY"!!!

Here, another difficulty arises. Even though the Quran considers Jesus Christ in a very grand way there is one GREAT difference between the Muslim outlook and that of the majority of Christians. This difference is that:

The Quran, in NO way considers Jesus as the son of God and NEVER deifies him. The Quran mentions again and again that Jesus is ONLY a prophet of the Lord just like many other prophets before him and adds that those Christians who consider him God are in GRAVE mistake!! The funny thing is that I myself have not encountered anywhere in the Bible a direct reference to the TRINITY!!!

Chapter 5- verses 72-74:
* Those who say that God is Christ the son of Mary have disbelieved. Christ [himself] said: "Children of Israel, worship God [Alone, Who is] my Lord as well as your Lord." God will ban the Garden for anyone who associates anything else with God; his lodging will be the Fire. Wrongdoers will have no supporters.
* Those who say: 'God is the third of three," have disbelieved! There is no deity except God Alone. If they do not stop saying what they say, painful torment will afflict those among them who disbelieve. * Why do they not turn towards God and seek His forgiveness? God is Forgiving, Merciful.

So as one can see the difference between Islam and Christianity is NOT on the existence of a REAL Christ but on some aspects of his character as a GUIDE. Both believe in his guiding aspect , but Christianity deifies him while Islam discourages this.
I cant really come to terms with the Judaic version of denying Jesus Christ his prophetic law and the slanders that the Jews attribute to the Virgin Mary. Reading many passage of the Bible assures me that Jesus was NOT an imposter and his Book has a feeling of truth. Also the fact that he actually CONFIRMED what Moses had brought to the Israelites makes me remember a verse in the Quran which says:
Chapter 2-verse 87:
this part is talking to the "children of Israel"
(XI) * We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with messengers later on. We gave Jesus the son of Mary evidence and assisted him with the Holy Spirit. Yet every time some messenger comes to you with what you yourselves do not fancy, why do you act so overbearing? One group you have rejected while another group you would [like to] kill.
* Whenever a messenger from God has come to them to confirm what they already had, a group of those who were given the Book have tossed God's book behind their backs as if they did not know [any better]. (verse 101):
There are numerous other verses which use the word "confirm" in terms of Quran's role in relation to the previous Holy Books.
One very interesting thing that I found in the Bible is sth which is extremely close to these Quranic verses:
Jesus is here saying:
`Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.' Matthew 5:17-19.

So as you can see both religions talk about confirmation of the previous religions, but at the same time completing them.

Another very important fact is that Christians have actually INCLUDED the Old Testament in their holy book and thus I find it very bewildering when I encounter the arguments of Jews against Christians and vice versa.

One very interesting verse(chapter 2-verse 113) I have found in the Quran, ACTUALLy talks about this VERY major quarrel and iits futility since both Jews and Christians quote from the same book!!!!:

Chapter 2-verses 111-113:
* They say: "No one will enter the Garden unless he is a Jew or a Christian. Those individuals are merely saying "Amen" [to their leaders]. Say: "Bring on your proof if you are so truthful," * Rather anyone who commits his person peacefully to God and is acting kindly will receive his earnings from his Lord. No fear shall come upon them nor will they be saddened.

(XIV)* Jews say: Christians have no point to make;" while Christians say: "The Jews have no point to make." Yet they (all) quote from the [same] Book. Likewise those who do know anything make a statement similar to theirs. God will judge between them on Resurrection Day concerning how they have been differing.



Interesting!...and for you...

"love is the one who masters all things."

Mawlãnã Rumi.

eli said...

thanks Rosa!!

Beautiful verse!

Looking at your profile shows that you are deeply into poetry ad thats really great, apparantly even Chinese or Japanese (couldn't decide as I could only tell because of the appearance of the words. Unfortunately could not see your blog since it was not open to public.

Good luck
